Company Policies

Privacy Policy

By using our ( website, you can read the privacy policy and share your personal information securely. A privacy policy is written about keeping and using customer information in a secure method.

Data Security:

We do not share customer information through advertising or otherwise. We have strategic ways in which we try to keep information secure. We comply with government regulations and do not secure or share customer information with other organizations through any illegal activity.

Privacy Policy Changes:

Customers cannot demand to change the policy as per their choice. When we plan to change the Privacy Policy, we provide customers with notice of the Privacy Policy change so that customers know in advance.

Policy for children:

Many customers share information of their children, which is not reasonable as Indian Packer & Movers company does not collect information of persons under 18 years of age. We collect information such as name, phone number and email ID, so you do not share this personal information with any child.

Terms & Conditions:

The following terms and conditions apply when you use the services of Indian Packer & Movers Company. You accept the service and be happy. You have to agree to the privacy policy and terms and conditions so that you can get comfortable service.

While providing home relocation services, contracts are entered into with the customers and the services are provided to the customers as per the terms and conditions. Also, conditions will apply for moving office items to other locations and transportation of vehicles.

Do not use our website to transfer any illegal weapons or drugs. We provide caring service to customers. We don't want to create any accidental problems. We may amend any part of the Terms. Do not transfer items that are not your personal property, as you have no rights to them. Please do not avail any services from our website if you are involved in any illegal activity.

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